Monday, May 17, 2010

Graduations, Icing and Colouring

Last day of classes.

Dressed up for the graduation ceremony and went to work. Had very few kids and it was a rather pleasant sort of afternoon.

Abby's Graduation ceremony after work. I haven't been to one in about......fifteen years? Sat with Deana and her parents and chatted and caught up. It was fun to find out more about her.
Said my Congratulations to the three graduates I knew, saw some friends I haven't seen in awhile.

Left the church around 9:30pm and headed over to Josh's for the last part of his Biblestudy. Had pizza chatted with new acquaintances and played Apples To Apples. Lost for the first time in a long time with one card.......Goody-Goody.....of course.


Slept in. Finally don't have to think about waking up in time for a class. especially on the weekend. Had cold pizza and honey-nut cheerios for breakfast while viewing The Andy Griffith Show, Final Season.
Practiced my whistling skills.

Drove to Grandview for Ben Nichols' graduation party. (totally forgot to ask him what he graduated with. very bad of me for not knowing.) On arriving there I sat in some icing further confirming my utter clutziness. Learned how to play Texas Hold'em.

Pouring rain there and back. Really need to buy new windshield wipers.

Drove home to change and dress fancy. Then went to pick Megan up and go for an outing to the plaza. We went to Anthropologie.I found a pencil case with my initials on it. You would think it was meant to be.....but it wasn't. Coloured in a colouring book while Megan picked out an outfit to purchase. They have the neatest colouring books. Fat, unique and fun. Must find them and add them to my bookshelf.

We then went to the Capital Grille for some fancy dining. Mozzarella wrapped in prosciutto was so delectable that I am determined to master the art of making it myself. We were still hungry and as we may dress ritzy our wallets far from hold the amount required to have a full on dinner at the Grille, so we opted for a favorite, traditional, American diner -Winsteads. Seated with our frostys, fries and burgers, listening to The Andrew Sisters, Nat King Cole and other classics, we conversed about the youth these days, the choices in formal attire prom people were wearing and our own personal lives.


Damp day with sudden bursts of rain.
Church was small as the majority of the Roger Clan were up at Princeton. But it was cozy and we heard a insightful message on JOY, the second fruit of the spirit. How wonderful it is to know that we don't have to produce our own joy but that God gives us HIS joy.

Went to meet Blair for her graduation party over at her grandmother's house. Had a very interesting time looking at fluffy covered photo albums full of Blair from babyhood to college years. A diverse sort of people to observe and talk to and a game of Apples to Apples with Blair and Sadie, filled the afternoon. Left around five and gave into the temptation of stopping in at a local thrift store. Found two dresses and can't wait to wear them out in public, once I have worked somewhat on what I want them to go with. Met up with Blair again and Josh also for a scrumptious dinner of Indian food. (check my food blog for details on that one.)

Home with determination to go through stacks of papers, but sleep overcame me. Someday I will get organized.


Mary Rose said...

Very interesting! Love hearing about your day! I didn't know that Josh had a Bible study! Did he just start one? Looking forward to seeing you this week!

utterlyme said...

Friday was the first time. I can't wait to see you either! ;)